Thank You’s

May God be glorified and many come to joy through what was written on these pages. It is only by His grace that this work was put together.

To my wife Melissa, God uses your continual encouragement more than any other to push me on to the finish line when I am doubtful and want to give up. I would be a small measure of the man that I am without you. Words could not touch the  depth of blessing and beauty that you bring to my life. I love you more than I ever have!

To my parent’s persistent encouragement in all things. Mom, I am convinced that even if this book was the most terribly written book in the world, you would have thought it was the best, because you love me that much! And Dad, thank you for never shying away from telling me the hard truth in love when I needed to hear it. Especially when more widdling of the wood of this book needed to be done.

To Chester, one of my dearest friends, for all that you give so freely. You not only gave your time to help me with this project, but you patiently helped me to understand a deeper side of writing than I knew existed.

To Pastor (Dr. Sims), your friendship and mentorship has made a great impact on my life over the past year for the glory of  our God. You encouraged me in writing this story and it meant more than you know.

And to my Southbury Baptist Church family, thank you for letting me serve with you all. In large part, it was a desire for your joy that motivated me to write this story.

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